Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Resuscitation decisions for patients dying in the community: A qualitative interview study of general practitioner perspectives

Palliative Medicine, September 2014, vol./is. 28/8(1053-61)
Miller S, Dorman S

The aim was to investigate how General Practitioners think and feel about making and communicating Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation decisions for patients dying in the community. Resuscitation decisions are important in facilitating a peaceful death, but can be difficult for general practitioners to discuss. The authors suggest that GPs might benefit from clearer guidance on when an attempt at resuscitation is unlikely to be successful, especially in non-malignant disease. Team discussions including Gold Standards Framework meetings can give confidence and support in making difficult end-of-life decisions.

Available in print in Arthur Rank House Library, Brookfields Hospital