Wednesday, 17 September 2014

A survey about patients transferred from a specialist palliative care unit to an acute hospital setting

European Journal of Palliative Care, 2014, Vol/iss 21/5 (219-21)
Trisha Castanheira and Bethany Wright

Increasingly in both malignant and non-malignant disease, palliative care is being offered alongside active therapy so the interface between acute and specialist palliative care services is likely to be less clear-cut.  In this article the authors ask if hospice patients benefit from transfers to the acute hospital and consider how to achieve a balance between curative and palliative care?  They present and discuss the results of a survey conducted at Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice looking at patient transfers to the acute hospital.

Full text available in European Journal of Palliative Care
Available in print in Arthur Rank House Library, Brookfields Hospital