Friday, 31 October 2014

Persistent hiccups in advanced neuro-oncology patients: findings from a descriptive phenomenological study

Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, Oct 2014, vol/iss 16/7(396-401)
Palese, Alvisa, Condolo, Giulio, Dobrina, Raffaella, Skrap, Miran

According to the patients' experience, living with persistent hiccups was characterized by 3 main themes: (a) resignation to its unpredictable nature; (b) despair that there is nothing worse than hiccups; and (c) learning to control the pauses. In trying to interrupt hiccups, patients learn to control their pauses, lengthening the interval between 1 spasm and the next, thereby achieving an acceptable level of symptom discomfort.