Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Living with advanced cancer and an uncertain disease trajectory: an emerging patient population in palliative care?

BMJ Support Palliat Care 5/4, p 352-357
Elizabeth A Lobb, Judith Lacey, John Kearsley, Winston Liauw, Lesley White and Annmarie Hosie

Participants in this study represent an emerging cancer patient population who are receiving palliative therapies. Our study suggests that a flexible model of care is needed to support the needs of people who may still be receiving some form of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, and remain well. This model may need to take more of an intermittent approach, that is, as required for specific symptom management, rather than patients being linked continuously to a palliative care service for long periods of time.
Available in print in Arthur Rank Hospice Library, Brookfields Hospital