Friday, 18 May 2018

Family carers' experiences of coping with the deaths of adults in home settings: A narrative analysis of carers' relevant background worries

Palliative Medicine; 2018, 32 (5), 950-959
Thomas, Carol; Turner, Mary; Payne, Sheila; et al

The aim of this qualitative cross-sectional observational study was to illustrate the relevance of 'relevant background worries' in family carers' accounts of caring at home for a dying adult.  Four case studies are presented where the worries constituted psychosocial factors that impacted on caregivers' actions and emotional well-being. Two themes are discussed: (1) whether relevant background worries are important enough to be identified and responded to and (2) how such worries could be picked up and managed by professionals. It is argued that the quality of clinical practice could be improved if specialist palliative care teams in community contexts both identified and responded to significant support needs associated with family carers' relevant background worries.