Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Submitting to God's will: attitudes and beliefs of Moroccan Muslim women regarding mourning and remembrance

Death Studies, 2019 43(8) p.478-488
Ahaddour, Chaïma; Van den Branden, Stef; Broeckaert, Bert

This study aimed to elicit the attitudes and beliefs of middle-aged and elderly Moroccan Muslim women regarding mourning and remembrance, to identify whether differences are observable between middle-aged and elderly participants, to explore the role of religion and to document how the actual attitudes of the participants relate to normative Islamic literature. Interviews were conducted with middle-aged and elderly Moroccan women living in Belgium (n = 30) and with experts in the field (n = 15). This study reveals that the religious beliefs have a great impact on the views of Muslim women. Striking similarities were found between participants' views and normative Islamic literature.