Friday, 21 June 2019

Teaching health-care providers to query patients with cancer about sexual and gender minority (sgm) status and sexual health

American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 2019 36(6) p.533-537
Cathcart-Rake, Elizabeth J.; Breitkopf, Carmen Radecki; Kaur, Judith; et al

End of life is difficult for all patients but sexual and gender minorities (SGM) are prone to isolation and loneliness, especially if their SGM status is unknown or unaccepted. This article summarizes the mandate for understanding cancer issues in SGM populations and the dearth of cancer-related data within this group. It also describes an ongoing 3-part study intended to build a mini curriculum with the goal of helping cancer health-care providers to ask patients with cancer about SGM status and to ask all patients with cancer about sexual health issues. The results of this ongoing study could potentially improve end-of-life care for subgroups of patients.