Friday, 21 June 2019

Volunteer involvement in advance care planning: a scoping review

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2019 57(6) p.1166
Sellars, Marcus; Simpson, Jamie; Kelly, Helana; et al

Volunteer involvement in ACP has not been clearly described in the literature. This study aimed to map research on volunteer involvement in ACP, identify outcomes associated with ACP volunteer models, and determine gaps in existing knowledge. The results obtained will help to inform strategies that will maximize volunteer effectiveness and performance monitoring in ACP delivery.  A positive finding from the review was that most of the volunteer-led ACP facilitation programs reported improvements in the frequency of completion of ACP conversations or advance care directives, compared with having no ACP initiative in place. In addition, volunteers in both facilitation and education roles became more comfortable discussing ACP as they became more experienced in their role. 

Fulltext available in Journal of Pain and Symptom Management