Tuesday 5 July 2016

The influence of Kinesiology Taping on the volume of lymphoedema and manual dexterity of the upper limb in women after breast cancer treatment

European Journal of Cancer Care, 2016, 25 (4) 647-660
J. Taradaj PT, T. Halski PT,  J. Rosinczuk, R. Dymarek, A. Laurowski and A. Smykla

In addition to evaluating the effect of kinesiology taping on the size of lymphoedema and manual dexterity  the authors also examined whether the application of KT can replace the traditional and standard multilayered bandaging in the treatment of upper extremity lymphoedema.  After 4-weeks of therapy, they concluded that taping was not an effective method of reducing lymphoedema II and III and cannot yet replace the traditional and standard multilayered bandaging in the treatment of upper extremity lymphoedema.