Friday 2 August 2019

Effectiveness of a short-term psychotherapeutic group for doctors and nurses in a hospice in Southern Europe

Progress in Palliative Care; Apr 2019; vol. 27 (no. 2); p. 58-63
Floriana, Caccamo; Luca, Caldironi; Simona, Ghedin

This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a short-term psychotherapeutic group implemented for doctors and nurses of a Hospice in southern Europe. Burnout and alexithymia were measured at the beginning and at the end of a psychotherapeutic group conducted with the Photolangage method which encourages sharing of emotional experiences by the medium of a photo. Significant differences between pre- and post-evaluation were observed in the scores for alexithyimia (measured with TAS-20) and burnout (measured with MBI). This is suggestive of the effectiveness of this group intervention in reducing risk of burnout and increasing awareness of emotions experienced during daily work at the hospice.